Advanced Molecular Imaging Education
Application training and performance support
Philips Advanced Molecular Imaging (AMI) is transforming patient care by providing lower dose molecular and hybrid imaging, enhanced lesion detectability, and the ability to share diagnostic information virtually anytime, anywhere. Our systems bring solutions in the field of nuclear medicine that enhance quantitative accuracy of molecular imaging and enable new clinical applications like accurate monitoring of cancer therapy response and studying diseases. The Philips customer education tools will help you to achieve the best results from the Philips AMI systems
Philips leads professional clinicians in the operations of the latest technology and software by offering clinical education training in person at the customer site or at the Philips Training Center.
Philips offer on-line training and education courses allowing the customer to learn at their own pace at any time.
Training videos
Philips snap shot videos provides the learner with information on a specific learning topic. The small segment material give the learner an easy, quick learnings option.
Social media
Stay up-to-date on the latest tip or trick by following out Twitter timelines or connect with other Philips users on various Philips social networks and forums.